Latisys DEN2 Data Center

Latisys DEN2 Data Center Data Center, USA

Latisys delivers IT Outsourcing solutions to help businesses focus on growth and achieve an optimal return on their IT infrastructure investment:
. IT Off-premise: keep full and hands-on control of your IT infrastructure, while taking advantage of a secure, redundant and highly available Tier III data center
. IT Off-load: rely on the Latisys staff of professionals to perform routine IT maintenance tasks so your resources can spend more time growing the business
. IT Optimize: leverage state-of-the-art technological advances and hardware innovations without incurring capital expenses
. IT On-demand: gain more control of costs and compute resources within a secure and elastic platform

Latisys, Colorado, USA
6900 S. Peoria Street, Centennial

Business Suites Private Cages Rack Cabinets Footprints Dedicated Servers Virtual Servers Remote Hands

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