Awecomm Technologies
Awecomm Technologies Data Center, USA
Awecomm's TROY Data Center
Making sure your web application remains up and running 24x7x365 is our number one priority. Our engineers use trusted hardware and software solutions to monitor and maintain your solution. Our data center has been custom engineered to provide the best possible infrastructure.
Awecomm's Hardened Data Center Includes:
9,000 sq. ft. total space.
3,000 sq. f Tier 3, raised floor data center.
N+1 double conversion UPS system.
Dual N+1 UPS also available.
Top-of-the-line automated transfer switches.
Healthcare grade, natural gas generator system.
N+1 Internet connectivity.
Multiple connectivity providers.
Automated network failover system.
Redundant 1Gb internal backbone.
Ownership of fiber conduit into building.
Management of SBC fiber splitting equipment on-site.
Automated Internet connection failover solution.
Nine foot high ceiling clearance
Fully enclosed equipment racks.
Environmental Controls
N+1 precision air and humidity controls.
Temperature of 68 degrees +/- 5 degrees.
Relative Humidity at 45% +/- 3 percent.
FM-200 Non-flammable gas fire suppression system.
Raised floor air control system.
Facility Security
Escorted access to all equipment.
Biometric scanning devices at all datacenter entry points.
24x7 security monitoring.
24x7 CCTV Monitoring.
Awecomm's Monitoring Tools Include:
Network utilization monitoring.
Intrusion detection systems.
Packet-sniffing collection and review stations.
Network irregularity detection and alerting stations.
Server monitoring and alerting stations.
Service and Protocol monitoring and alerting stations.
Awecomm's Certified Engineering Staff
24x7 support available.
We employ the best and the brightest engineers certified in all mainstream technologies. This ensures even irregular issues will be resolved quickly. Certifications include: CISCO, Microsoft, Red Hat, Novell, Lotus, A+, Xiotech, RaidTech, Veritas, SUN, Oracle, iPlanet, etc.
Personal Support
Our hands-on customer support gives you personal contact with our technicians and engineers from your first call through your last. Support is fast, painless, and thorough. Our engineers will make sure the solution they provide is long term and not just a quick fix.
Awecomm Technologies,
165 Kirts Blvd., #400
48084 Troy
Michigan, USA