Ad Valem Switzerland
Ad Valem Switzerland Data Center, Switzerland
Ad Valem Technologies
More than a data center, an all-in-one outsourced data computing structure
Ad Valem Technologies is a corporate investors' initiative, who became aware of companies growing dependence to their data computing structure. It answers to their increasing difficulties in :
- Managing their data security
- Granting higher availability to their Internet applications
- Developing their infrastructure while respecting natural environment
AdValem Technologies scope:
- Value Added Data Center Tier 3+
- Broadcast Media Center with Satellite Head End
- Disaster Recovery Facilities
- Managed Services
Ad Valem Technologies,
Route des Iles,88
1897 Le Bouveret
Business Suites
Office space
Private Cages
Rack Cabinets
Dedicated Servers
Virtual Servers
Remote Hands
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