IT Asset Discovery Automation Solves Infrastructure Chaos
IT Asset Discovery Automation Solves Infrastructure Chaos
As the modern IT environment continues to evolve in scope and complexity, organizations face critical challenges around IT asset discovery and management. A new white paper from Park Place technologies explores how an automated and comprehensive look at an organization’s IT assets saves time, reduces risks, maximizes resources, and more.

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This new report looks at the primary challenges organizations face when taking on IT asset management. It then discusses how automated IT asset discovery can solve some of these obstacles by presenting the top 5 benefits of automated asset discovery.
According to the report, a solid ITAM strategy allows you to understand things like where your assets are, if you’re paying for things you no longer have, asset dependencies, and if the data relative to the assets is trustworthy. But without the right solution in place to manage that strategy, asset management can create challenges for the team.
“Most organizations have difficulty with keeping track of their assets,” Park Place explains. “As the IT environment becomes increasingly widespread and diversified, it’s no surprise that staying on top of every technology component of the enterprise is a challenge.”
The report points out that automated IT asset discovery is key to solving IT infrastructure chaos.
“Automated IT asset discovery reduces the time and cost it takes to research changes and risks of the unknowns in operating environments, allowing IT operators to be confident in the data that’s in front of them.” Park Place Technologies Is Automated IT Asset Discovery the Key to Solving IT Infrastructure Chaos?
Another benefit of automated asset discovery, according to Park Place, is a reduction in risk. “IT must be able to reduce and eliminate the ‘unknown unknowns’ with continuous knowledge as to how applications are operating in real-time. Only consistent, thorough discovery through automation can accurately document an ‘as-operating’ environment.” Once the team understands application dependencies then migration, upgrades, and trouble-shooting become easier.
The IT landscape is evolving rapidly as organizations work to keep up with their customers’ demands. To keep pace, Park Place concludes that it’s critical that the IT team know where all assets stand at any given moment – physical, virtual, edge, and cloud. Automated IT asset discovery makes this possible.
Download the full report, “Is Automated IT Asset Discovery the Key to Solving IT Infrastructure Chaos?” from Park Place Technologies to further explore how automated IT asset discovery can help your enterprise can better manage and thrive in the today’s complex IT ecosystem.
More >> IT Asset Discovery Automation Solves Infrastructure Chaos