Building Cloud Data Centers at Internet Speed

Building Cloud Data Centers at Internet Speed

Our entire society relies on data as never before. The world needs data center capacity, and it needs it yesterday. The key to meeting this challenge is industrialization – the ability to add cloud capacity in new places at Internet speed.

DCF Show 14: Building Cloud Data Centers at Internet Speed

This is the third in a series of broadcasts outlining the Eight Trends That Will Shape the Data Center in 2021. The industrialization of the data center is a trend that has been evolving for some time, Innovations in design, supply chain and construction enabled the data center industry to deliver 17 million square feet of new capacity in 2020, enabling customers to deliver more services to support distributed work, remote learning and on-demand entertainment.

Listen to today’s show:

Here are links to the additional resources on enterprise IT trends that I mentioned in the podcast:

These columns from our Voices of the Industry thought leadership series provide additional expertise on construction strategy:

Be sure to check our our free Annual Forecast, outlining the DCF take on the most important trends to watch this year:

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