Tokyo No. 6 Data Center
Tokyo No. 6 Data Center Data Center, Japan
Largest in Tokyo
Only a 7-minute walk from the nearest train station and accessible from multiple train stations, diverse access routes are available even in case of emergency. The Tokyo No. 6 Data Center is built on stable hard ground and is 10 km from Tokyo Bay, and 1.5 km from the closest river. Tokyo No. 6 also has a large-scale, fully-equipped office building on-site for use during systems monitoring, maintenance and business continuity planning (BCP) operations.
Seismically Isolated
The Data Center can reduce seismic shocks to one-fifth of their force, preventing adverse affects on your equipment and on our facilities and buildings. Furthermore, all major equipment has redundant configurations. The communications path is connected directly to a secure earthquake-proof cable tunnel.
NTT Communications Corporation,
Tokyo, Japan
Cooling Redundancy