ColocationIX Westend
ColocationIX Westend Data Center, Germany
ColocationIX Westend is a new High End Colocation Facility in Bremen. The facility is located in ex. military atomic bunker in Bremen, Germany. ColocationIX provides Rooms, Cooling and Airconditioning, Power, Network Connectivity etc.
The modern and flexible data center rooms provide premium infrastructure for ColocationIX clients.
ColocationIX City datacentre in Bremen and is live for several years.
ColocationIX Westend building specification:
- 2 meter big walls made from concrete
- Fibre cabling up to 100 Gigabit/s
- No fire due to Oxygen reduction
- In line with ISO / EN 50600 and TIA942 data centre standards
- Build out based on Class / Tier 4 data centre standard
Services include:
- Colocation
- Internet transit
- Housing
- Managed Services
- Backup
- etc.
Services are based on standards:
- ISO 27001
- ISO 9001
- ISO 50001
Find more details at:
ColocationIX GmbH,
Wachtstrasse 17-24
28195 Bremen