Ultranet Telecom

Ultranet Telecom Data Center, Brazil

Our carrier neutral Data Center located in the center of Sao Paulo is equipped with dual power entry systems, high capacity internet, and is interconnected to the best providers in the Brazilian market and worldwide. Includes dedicated client customer area, secure equipment
loading and unloading zone, and 24/7 on site security.

Ideal location in downtown Sao Paulo
- Accessible from all main highways, and in close proximity to all major business zones
- Roof-access available

- Multiple layers of physical security
- 24/7 on-site security
- CCTV Surveillance, with digital storage
- Multiple layers of electronically controlled card access
- Biometric fingerprint access
- Aerial and underground power grids with priority turn up.
- N +1 UPS power, with branch breaker monitoring
- 220 AMP redundant circuits
- Designed for optimum airflow
- N+1 redundant cooling
- Raised floors in the entire Data Center
- Industry leading turnaround time
- Certified technicians and live support services, available 24/7
- Web-based customer portal
- Ultranet Telecom
- Algar Telecom
- Lanautilus/ TI Sparkle
- Highwinds
- Globenet
- 76Telecom
- America Net

Ultranet Telecom, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Rua Simao Dias da Fonseca, 61
01539-020 Cambuci


Private Cages Rack Cabinets Dedicated Servers Virtual Servers Remote Hands

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